Can you believe it? It’s been exactly one year since I hit PUBLISH on this blog of mine. I guess the saying is true. Time flies when you’re having fun. Today I celebrate my ONE YEAR (let’s say that again, ONE YEAR) blogging anniversary and I’m feeling, well, a bit emotional. If you’re interested let’s take a look back on this day a year ago with my very first blog post.
I knew absolutely nothing about blogging a year ago. And if I’m being honest, I’m still learning and growing in this industry. I sit here today thinking about the hard work and dedication I’ve put into my blog, my social media channels, and in the relationships I’ve built along the way. A year ago, I had no idea what kind of time commitment I’d need for outfit planning, marketing, photo/video editing or the hard stuff like writing blog posts. I didn’t know where to turn for tools and resources to help guide me throughout the process. Over the last year I can honestly say I’ve come a long way. I can see growth in my writing, content planning, relationships, photos and my consistency. I love this side hustle and I cannot wait to continue making Boss Babe moves.
Things that worked and were a success during this first year.
- ONE YEAR of blogging down – I don’t fall into the 80% of bloggers who don’t make it past the first three months.
- I’ve written and published 32 blog posts – that’s a lot of writing!
- I was accepted into the community – which is HUGE!
- Successfully became a brand ambassador for retailers that match my aesthetic.
Things I’ve learned along the way.
- Blogging isn’t easy – if it were everyone would do it and be successful.
- How to use WordPress – this tool is very robust and can be challenging at times (well… a lot of the time).
- How to edit videos/pictures – this a huge part of the process to have an aesthetic that matches my personality and content.
- My writing has improved – still working on this, I don’t think I’ll ever stop evolving in this area.
- I’ve learned what tools and apps will make my life easier to plan & create content. This really ties into time management and how to be efficient.
- Time Management – I’ve learned to set realistic goals and deadlines for myself and how to balance work, life and blogging.
- There will always be room for professional growth, networking, and to learn new skills.
I’d like to extend a huge Thank you to you, yes you! I appreciate each and every one of you.
- To those of you who read my blog posts, share/comment/like my Instagram or Facebook posts or anyone who follows and/or makes purchases via the
- To some of my favorite bloggers who inspire my daily.
- To anyone who has offered advice, help, and tips and tricks along the way.
- To anyone who took the time to tell me how I’ve influenced them or that they love my content and what I’m doing. This honestly is one of the best feelings in the world!
What’s next?
- Continue to grow and set realistic goals.
- Continue to be unapologetically me, to create content that I love but that also inspires other women.
- To step out of my comfort zone and give ya’ll a closer look into the life of Marissa. The good, the the bad, and the ugly.
As I finish this post I feel proud, and emotional, but mostly proud. Proud of the woman I’ve become, proud of the work I’ve put in, and proud of what I created out of thin air. I really have learned so much about this industry and myself. If I could go back in time and do it all over again I would in a heartbeat. I continue to blog because I genuinely love it and it makes me happy. So here I am, on the verge of crying (happy tears of course) but just know the juice is worth the squeeze.
Cheers to one year!
Brad Bush says
Wow… Congratulations Marissa.! Looks like you got this Blogging thing figured out. I’m so happy for you to be able to do something that you love. I say keep up the good work and enjoy yourself. ❤️
Marissa says
Brad you just made my day! Thanks for the kind words they are much appreciated. I’m happy to be doing what I love. 💗
Janette says
Love it keep up the good work 💕🎉
Marissa says
Thanks girl! I will! 😊💕
Cynthia says
Yay!!! Proud of you! Keep going!!
Marissa says
Thanks so much babe much appreciated!
Xiomara says
So proud of you love ❤. You’re amazing in everything you do.
Marissa says
You just made my day! Thanks Xio 💕